
Andrew O’Keefe Avoids Jail Time for Assault and Drug Possession Convictions

Andrew O'Keefe Avoids Jail Time for Assault and Drug Possession Convictions
Andrew O'Keefe Avoids Jail Time for Assault and Drug Possession Convictions


Andrew O’Keefe, the former host of the popular Australian television show “Deal or No Deal,” has managed to avoid jail time for his recent assault and drug possession convictions. The 49-year-old entertainer was sentenced to a 12-month intensive correction order, which includes 180 hours of community service and mandatory rehabilitation.

Assault Conviction

In September 2023, O’Keefe was charged with assault after an altercation with his partner at their home in Randwick, Sydney. The incident resulted in his partner sustaining minor injuries. O’Keefe pleaded guilty to the assault charge and expressed remorse for his actions.

Drug Possession Conviction

In addition to the assault charge, O’Keefe was also found in possession of drugs during a police search of his residence. The search uncovered a small quantity of cocaine. As a result, he was charged with drug possession. O’Keefe admitted to the possession charge and acknowledged his struggle with substance abuse.

Legal Proceedings

During the legal proceedings, O’Keefe’s defense team argued that he was dealing with significant personal issues at the time of the incidents, including mental health struggles and addiction. They presented evidence of his efforts to seek help and rehabilitate himself.

The judge took these factors into consideration when deciding the appropriate sentence. Instead of imposing a custodial sentence, the court opted for a 12-month intensive correction order. This alternative to imprisonment allows O’Keefe to remain in the community while receiving the necessary support and supervision to address his issues.

Intensive Correction Order

The intensive correction order requires O’Keefe to complete 180 hours of community service, which will involve him contributing to various charitable organizations. This aspect of the sentence aims to promote his reintegration into society and encourage him to make positive contributions to the community.

In addition to community service, O’Keefe is also required to undergo mandatory rehabilitation for his substance abuse issues. This rehabilitation program will provide him with the necessary support and resources to overcome his addiction and maintain his sobriety.

Reflection and Redemption

Following the sentencing, O’Keefe expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to address his personal issues and make amends for his actions. He acknowledged the impact of his behavior on his loved ones and the broader community, vowing to learn from his mistakes and work towards becoming a better person.

O’Keefe’s case serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help for mental health and addiction issues. It highlights the potential for redemption and personal growth when individuals take responsibility for their actions and actively engage in rehabilitation.


Andrew O’Keefe’s recent assault and drug possession convictions have resulted in a 12-month intensive correction order, including community service and mandatory rehabilitation. While he has avoided jail time, O’Keefe now faces the challenge of addressing his personal issues and rebuilding his life. With the support of the community and his commitment to rehabilitation, he has the opportunity to overcome his struggles and emerge as a stronger individual.

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